Resources for professionals

A woman holding a coffee cup looks out of a window.

Resources to support those who are working with victims of abuse

The Safety Net team have expert knowledge on the impact of trauma in relation to rape, sexual exploitation, domestic and sexual abuse. To this end we have gathered the following resources which might help people who regularly work with victims.

A Children’s Society training video on how to spot signs of child sexual exploitation for professionals working in the public sector.

A brilliant video to use with members of the public on the topic of sexual consent.

Stalking leaflets from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Includes information for victims on what to do if they’re being stalked, how to record evidence and myths and facts about stalking. Access here. 

Report from VictimFocus on Violence Committed Against Women Since Birth

This April 2021 VictimFocus report shows the true scale of VAWG, through data from a survey of 22,000 women.

Healthy Relationships Toolkit from The Traveller’s Movement

A toolkit for professionals to support work with young people from a gypsy, Roma or Irish traveller background.

Turning the Spotlight - a Victim Support programme for couples and families experiencing low level conflict and domestic abuse

Turning the Spotlight supports couples and families in Cumbria where low-level conflict, violence or abuse has been identified. The programme works with individuals who are at risk of causing harm, whilst at the same time providing support to the partners, ex-partners and children participating in this programme. The programme takes place through one to one and group work sessions where clients are supported to understand what a healthy relationship is and how to maintain it.

“Safety Net has walked with me through the hardest journey I couldn’t walk on my own, I recommend to anyone that is struggling to give Safety Net a chance.”

— Safety Net Client